The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #141599   Message #3302280
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
04-Feb-12 - 05:58 PM
Thread Name: Tech: STOP CENSORSHIP
""The House of Representatives' SOPA bill aims to crack down on online sales of pirated American movies, music or other goods by forcing Internet companies to block access to foreign sites offering material that violates U.S. copyright laws.

U.S. advertising networks could also be required to stop online ads, and search engines would be barred from directly linking to websites found to be distributing pirated goods.

Seems to me that, if the US government doesn't wind its neck in, it may find itself on the sharper edge of a two edged sword.

If US internet companies can block foreign websites and foreign advertisers, then the rest of the world can as easily cut off US websites and advertisers, effectively isolating the United States from trading anywhere other than domestically.

Best guess as to who would stand to lose most from this?

Don T.