The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #140465   Message #3302451
Posted By: MGM·Lion
05-Feb-12 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslims again . . .
Subject: RE: BS: Muslims again . . .
OK, Jim: but ~~ accepting your 'braindead' designation, which I will agree will do as well as any term for the racist thugs you specify ~~

I would refer you back to a long-ago thread of mine on the use of the term 'racist' as a catch-all term used by some self-appointed arbiters of public morality to smear their opponents ~~ a postulation with which you expressed agreement.

So:- not all who recognise some invalid arguments or unjust practices followed by some [as I say above "few but disproportionately prominent & effective"] Muslims ~~ e.g. strict Sharia Law with relation to penal matters and the necessity of its imposition ~~ are "advocating racial or cultural inferiority from the comfort and safety of their keyboards." I do not regard them all, or indeed any but that small but unavoidably noticeable BY THEIR OWN WILL & CHOICE minority I have just described, as 'racially or culturally inferior'; but I do feel that some few among them have mistaken attitudes and follow &/or recommend unacceptable practices; and I resent being attacked, directly or by implication, as some sort of racist persecutor, simply for exercising my undoubted right to express such a view ~~ 'from the comfort & safety of my own keyboard' or by way of any other medium.
