The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27102   Message #330373
Posted By: Trevor
30-Oct-00 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Storms in England/Wales 10/30/00
Subject: RE: BS: Storms in England/Wales 10/30/00

Took me two hours this morning instead of 30 minutes.

You're right, Sian, Shrewsbury resembles a lake at the mo (4.30pm).

I live right on top of the Stiperstones (most remote part of South Shropshire) and the wind all night was much worse than the '87 storm. At 7.30 this morning it was snowing - horizontal, a real blizzard.

I've got a choir practice tonight and my favourite pub for supper has a couple of feet of the Severn in the bar.

Radio Shropshire is on while I'm writing this and they reckon there is more weather on the way and the severn won't peak for another 24 hours. Good job the clocks went back this weekend - I'd probably be frightened if I could see it!

Thanks for the cuddles - hope nobody got wet.