The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143202   Message #3304455
Posted By: ChrisJBrady
08-Feb-12 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Who will win at the BBC Folk Awards?
Subject: RE: Who will win at the BBC Folk Awards?
From: [canals-list] A Big Thank you to Bridgewater Canal Co
Wednesday, 8 February, 2012 18:44
From: "Ian Mac" Add sender to Contacts
An Epic Day

Canal Planner says 4 hrs from Leigh to Pomona, Actual time 8hrs through ICE upto 4inches in places across the Moss. Bridgewater Canal Co turned 8 men out to swing the tank, and then held the men on to work Pomona Lock so we could get down onto the ship canal. The MSC Harbour master granted us access to North Bay the old No. 9 dock beyond the normal limit of navigation and out of the cruising season. All so we could deliver the folk group Pilgrims' Way to the national Folk awards at the Lowry tonight. Watch Northwest Tonight now! and then the Red button on BBC1.

Cheers Ian Mac