The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143239   Message #3307270
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Feb-12 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Homs horror (Syria, 2012)
Subject: RE: BS: Homs horror
"Start a thread "I hate Britain and everything British""
You cannot start a thread deploring despots slaughtering protesters and expect not to be faced with the fact that the part Britain has played in that slaughter by supplying those despots with the wherewithal to carry out some of that slaughter
It was you who pointed out that the weapons supplied by Britain to Syria were sniper rifles "but all you have come up with is some sniper rifles" - you have eye witness descriptions of what those sniper rifles are doing to people - you appear to have painted yourself into a corner.
"You will also want to support Israel's blockade of Gaza"
No I won't - I am referring to 'The Arab Spring' - which is exactly what the "Homs horror" is about - why the hell should I talk about land disputes?
You are right about one thing though
I do hate - I hate feudal dictators who enslave their people and slaughter them when they get out of hand - I hate governments who leech off that despotism by selling weapons to those dictators, and I hate the mealy-mouthed apologists who refuse to condemn them for doing so, and who, having opened a thread on the slaughter that is taking place using weapons sold to those dictators, then desperately try to steer the discussion away from exactly who is supplying those weapons.
Take your double-standards elsewhere and don't you dare try to stop me from posting to a public forum - that would be dictatorship!!
And still no condemnation of selling arms to Gadaffi - but then again, why should there be - from you anyway?
Jim Carroll