The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143307   Message #3307792
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Feb-12 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: Is this murdering a folk song?
Subject: RE: Is this murdering a folk song?
Ah, as to that, Sean ~~ I take your point. The thing is that singing a song, esp one with a first-person narrative, is a performance: adopting an appropriate character in a first-person song like B&C&A is not quite the same as 'putting on the folk voice', IMO. It is what I do when I act in a play ~~ the last part I played was Dr Chasuble in The Importance of Being Earnest: he didn't sound exactly like me; but like me imitating my concept of a pompous C19 Anglican vicar. So, the cook's guest in her Norfolk kitchen in B&C&A is not going to sound quite like me either. But that doesn't mean I gave him grace-notes & tremolos, which is what 'the folk voice' means to me; and presumably meant also to that young man 20 years ago reviewing me for the Norfolk & Suffolk Express...

Still ~~ I repeat, I do see what you mean.


Anyone curious who doesn't know ~~ you can hear that song on my youtube channel ~