The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143307   Message #3307865
Posted By: tonyteach1
13-Feb-12 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Is this murdering a folk song?
Subject: RE: Is this murdering a folk song?
Re diction - the reason for the exaggerated diction is to be heard at the back of the large theatre or hall. I have sung in huge theatres without a mike and your words have to be crystal clear as do actors. Its a way of projecting the voice and the meaning of the text

Most classical singers do not use mikes or like them except in musical theatre where the sound is huge. This is of course unlike pissy pantywaist folk singers who cannot be heard beyond the third row without a mike stuck down their throat. I am joking of course but it gets boring hearing someone who knows nothing about voice production slagging off a particular style

I find also the thing about the "folk" voice a bit out of touch as most people in my area are from a different ethnic background Many ladies in gospel choirs sing tenor in a beautiful chest voice. Tell them its not proper folk music - there is a massive amount of good world music in London Folk needs to diversify and stop harking back to dear dead Ewan !