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Thread #143340   Message #3308246
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
14-Feb-12 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: Petition: revoke Murdoch's licence
Subject: UK Petition: revoke Murdoch's licence
Thought it worth sharing info (below) about a petition I've just signed; I suspect many UK Catters would be interested...

The Murdoch empire's dirty tactics just brought down 5 more of their top journalists and editors, as well as a police officer, a member of the ministry of defense, and an army man. After 29 News Corp arrests, it's clear: Murdoch must have known about the crimes his employees were committing.

He may have sweet talked Parliament and slipped by the police so far, but we can hold him accountable for the violations of law and privacy that helped pad his pockets.

Tomorrow, the House of Lords will consider whether Murdoch is "fit and proper" to own our media. If we rally a massive show of public support now we can ensure that it's more than a symbolic action. Let's push the regulators to revoke Murdoch's licence to operate and end his dirty dealings for good. Click below to join and then forward to everyone:

It's clear that Murdoch has long overseen a crooked operation.Saturday's arrests of News Corp senior staff rocked the Sun's newsroom exactly two weeks after the first arrests of other Murdoch editors and execs-- all on suspicion of bribing police and public officials. And it's not over, yet.

The information leading to the arrests came from News Corp, itself. Investigators seized and are searching through more than 300 million News Corp emails, rooting out what appears to be systematic corruption. With an ever-widening net of arrests at all 3 of Murdoch's UK papers, abuses are widespread, even infecting key sections of the British establishment.

Murdoch is set to fly in to London to manage the crisis and try to save his corrupted empire. But what must happen now is clear. In light of everything we know, Murdoch cannot be considered "fit and proper" to run the outlets that provide us our news and the regulator OFCOM must pull the plug. Sign the petition:

Rupert Murdoch is the world's most powerful and dangerous media baron. Twice now, Avaaz members took him on to stop the enormous expansion of his empire -- and won! This time, let's show our power again to shrink his dirty domain for good.

With hope and determination,

Dalia, Alex, Brant, Emma, Ricken, Michael, Luis, Antonia and the rest of the Avaaz team


Rupert Murdoch faces fresh crisis as key Sun staff arrested (Guardian)

Sun newspaper 'will continue' says Rupert Murdoch (BBC)

Rupert Murdoch should sell the Sun (Michael Wolff, Guardian)

Rupert Murdoch faces revolt from angry Sun staff (Daily Telegraph)