The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143340   Message #3308459
Posted By: Richard Bridge
14-Feb-12 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: Petition: revoke Murdoch's licence
Subject: RE: Petition: revoke Murdoch's licence
I said "cultural", not "political". And anyway the Beeb never been left wing but rather centrist in fact - and has recently pandered shamefully to right-wing stupidity thanks to crypto-fascist morons threatening its funding. Until recently it was the most respected news organisation in the world.   Now its independence is largely gone.

And if you don't think media moguls know who is doing what, you have never learned the truth about Robert Maxwell. Again, from legalling in both directions and haveing friends who worked there, I know what I'm talking about - unlike you it seems DaveMoronCon.