The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129312   Message #3311147
20-Feb-12 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: Joseph Bryan Geoghegan, travelling singer, 1800s
Subject: RE: Joseph Bryan Geoghegan, travelling singer, 1800s
Just been looking at some of The Era (stage/circus etc) downloads I made, and both Joseph Geoghegan and Sydney Bird senior advertised regularly in it - Joseph and Sydney definitely overlapping in 1988 amongst other dates. I'm sure they must have both scanned the newspaper thoroughly and at least been aware of each other's activities and performances.
The 'terrible death of a gymnast' - my great great uncle Sydney Bird junior, at the age of 16 - was also reported widely, not only in The Era but in newspapers throughout the UK. I wonder if JBG contacted his son in law Sydney senior to offer condolences on his grandson's death? I don't suppose we'll ever know.