The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143483   Message #3311978
Posted By: gnomad
23-Feb-12 - 01:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Never heard of Ash Wednesday?
Subject: RE: BS: Never heard of Ash Wednesday?
The percentage of people with little or no knowledge of Christianity in the UK continues to increase. One could find this surprising, considering how deeply it has affected the shape of our current society, and the popularity of an amateur interest in our history.

What concerns me more is the number I encounter who profess to be Christians, but who (like Kay Burley in the video) have very little apparent knowledge of the faith they supposedly hold.
I was raised an Anglican, which many people here claim to be (groundlessly IMO, but it's their choice) and although Ash Wednesday is a much less significant mark in the CofE church calendar than it is in the RC community, the mark on JB's forehead was immediately comprehensible. This despite my rejection of belief as an adult.

Unlike Jim, this widespread ignorance is not news to me. Much of our society is truly ignorant on a great range of topics.