The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143483   Message #3312386
Posted By: ChanteyLass
23-Feb-12 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Never heard of Ash Wednesday?
Subject: RE: BS: Never heard of Ash Wednesday?
I was raised Roman Catholic, the faith of my mom, while my dad was Episcopalian. Mom and I always got ashes. I no longer adhere to that faith or any specific faith. I no longer get ashes. Today I was talking to a friend who is a Methodist. She said she sang in the choir at her church's Ash Wednesday service where people could do one of three things: get ashes on their foreheads, get ashes on their hands (palm or back? I wish I'd asked.), or not get ashes at all. This was the first time I had heard of Methodists doing this. (This is in the US. I don't know if Methodists in other parts of the US do this.)