The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143504   Message #3312566
Posted By: stallion
24-Feb-12 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: fishermen's friends tour
Subject: RE: fishermen's friends tour
yes, what a great bunch of blokes, greater than the sum of their parts. I was asked, by a local community free paper, to review the concert. Being around the folk scene in York for a number of years the first thing I had noticed was that there were not many recognised local "Folkies" present, there were about 400 people in, it didn't help being on the same night as The Black Swan F.C. just a spit from the Barbican and that Joan Beaz is on on Sunday and the cheapest tickets are £40. I thoroughly enjoyed the concert, Lucy Ward was the supporting act, often it is difficult to recreate or emulate the performances of the intimate club setting in a large concert hall but she did it. The Fishermans Friends performance of the songs are heavily influenced by the Chapel choir background and copious quantities of ale, there was either a bottle or glass of beer and a bottle of water at the base of each microphone, I noticed that none of the bottles of water had been opened! Some have powerful voices, some not so powerful, they share out the lead and have a stonking chorus with several harmony lines going on. What really comes over to the audience is the fun element of the F.F., they do not pretend to be anything other than a bunch of blokes who sing for the Joy of it and they are in a position to share with everyone their take on Shanties, Hymns and contemporary songs. The audience bought lots of cd's and the "lads" lined up in the foyer to sign and chat to the couple of hundred or so that stayed back to see them. They all repaired to the Phoenix for a few more beers and a natter, tonight they have a night off and asked me if there was a local pub that they could get some decent beer and a sing, I lobbied hard to get them down to our local session at the Shoulder of Mutton, we shall see!
All in all it was a bloody good night out with plenty of opportunities to join in with the singing