The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26734   Message #331262
Posted By: Rick Fielding
31-Oct-00 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: NY. Election sign dichotomy.Any thoughts
Subject: RE: NY. Election sign dichotomy.Any thoughts
Sometimes I wonder if my objectivity about politics negates my opinions entirely...unless I'm talkin' to someone else who finds the process more fascinating than the results. Take Hillary for instance. Let's say she's either a cold eyed lyin' ambitious bitch..... .OR...A tough hard workin' woman tryin' to operate with authority in a man's world. (by the way guys, doesn't Streisand go through the same thing?) Would her defeat or victory REALLY make you happy or sad? Bet it would. I hope she wins simply because it will be more INTERESTING with her in there. I have this huge difficulty in believing that the big picture (or even the smaller one) is affected by the views of those in office. Once elected, Liberals become more conservative, and conservatives become more liberal. I see it as a kind of natural balance that evolves, remains static, and then after a while crumbles. It usually takes a radical "accident" to shake people up, then they come to their senses and it's back to that "moderate" leadership for another twenty years.

Here in Ontario, (which could objectively be described as a VERRY economically wealthy area) we've been governed by (mostly) the Conservative Party and the Liberal Party for over 150 years. The local prosperity has never varied much. A few years ago (7) the complacent Liberals got ousted in a completely mind boggling election. The Socialists won!! (the New Democratic Party) They are the Ralph Naders of Canada...acting more as a "conscience" than anything else. I guess everyone did their "protest" vote all at once, never believing that their neighbours would as well. The end result was a Government (virtually) no different than the last 140 years. Primarily because moderation KEEPS the status quo...and even the Socialists knew that they wanted to keep the wealthy, wealthy. After four years they were soundly turfed out, and probably won't be back ever, unless by accident, or deliberate shakeup...but the system will never allow them to be more than marginally radical.

I think it's the same in the States. Bush would want to be SEEN pushing for anti-abortion...but watch, he won't push too hard. Gore will make grand noises about conservation...but not to the extent that it could cost him votes in a re-election bid.

I'm not saying these are bad men (bad speechmakers maybe) but I feel that they are part of a system that prevents either one from making any REAL change. When I'm feeling like Che Guevarra, I think that's a shame. When I'm thinking about my taxes and Mortgage...I think, hmmm guess it's ok.

Boy if THIS doesn't bore the rest of our catter friends outta here completely, nothing will!
