The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143378   Message #3312917
Posted By: Bobert
24-Feb-12 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama's Truth Team (join me!)
Subject: RE: BS: Obama's Truth Team (join me!)
Yes, Ake, I do...

They have a narrow channel here to get back enough power to have any control...

In the last 30 years they have had a total 2 years where the stars aligned and they used that to pass the Affordable Care Act...

As for lining up with Bush, Google up "Iraq War Resolution" and see the number of Democrats who voted "No"... And this in the face of Bush wrapping himself yet again in the post 9/11 flag and everything was about the Republican Patriotism propaganda... It took balls for the number of Dems who weren't exactly, like you say, "lining up"...

One thing is 100% obvious and that is the republicans have all but sent out working class an engraved letter telling them that the Republicans fully intend to have them all in poverty... 125% of Americans now live at 125% of poverty OR LESS... That has doubled since 1982... It was just reported that 64% of Americans could come up with $1000 if they HAD to... This is a serious attack that the Republicans have going against the working class and the Republicans make no bones about what they are up to...

Are the Democrats like this party of saviors??? No, but they are fighting the Republicans tooth and nail on trying to hold on to the New Deal safety net programs...

There ain't no "Choice C" at present.. You pick...
