The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143543   Message #3314164
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
27-Feb-12 - 02:33 PM
Thread Name: canadian genocide
Subject: RE: canadian genocide
The removal of children from their tribes and education as "white men" caused loss of tradition and turmoil. It was considered the best solution to bring the indigenous people into citizenship in both the U. S. and Canada. The same process took place in Latin America.
The church and educational leaders of the time thought they were doing their best for the aboriginals.
The native peoples of Canada are doing their best to restore parts of their culture and heritage. More money from the government is needed on many of the reserves (and that means we as taxpayers must contribute the funds).

Diatribes from people like Ollimaih contribute absolutely nothing to providing the help that is needed.

Better schools are needed on the reserves, and a better, cheaper system of providing higher education to those who want it are the best way of providing "restitution" for past wrongs; add more support for housing and provision of services. Breast-beating and apologies serve no purpose.

Ultimately, taxpayers must be the providers of these services which must be integrated with the needs of the population as a whole.