The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143543   Message #3314241
Posted By: gnu
27-Feb-12 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: canadian genocide
Subject: RE: canadian genocide
Q... "We cannot re-do the past; we may agree that the policies were wrong, but they were thought to be correct at the time."

That's MY point, to an extent. The money has always been there. Good people spent a LOT of money trying to do good. In the recent years, MUCH taxpayer money has been "spent" and stolen... watch some CBC documentaries about this absolutely inane and insane crap. It's disgustiing. To see the PRESENT living conditions just turns my stomach. It's a twisted reality, to say the least. "Shameful" doesn't even approach the way our government should feel for not managing properly the prevention of this atrocity.

It appears they are trying to get a handle on it but only time will tell... and the help of our native brothers is paramount. If you have followed these crises in the news, you know what I am talking about. It's time for the First Nations to stand up for themselves among themselves. I know, I know... but if they don't fix it locally, THEY will continue to be fucked. Tell me I am wrong... ???