The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143543   Message #3314273
Posted By: Ed T
27-Feb-12 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: canadian genocide
Subject: RE: canadian genocide
I am reluctant to wade into this topic, as it seems as much emotional as logical.

Regardless of the intent,(or, considering the times), the result, on the surface anyway, seems like it closely meets the UN definition for genocide that was provided in one article. However, this definition would likely not be what one would normally think of as genocide.

One could argue whether it was intentially delivered, oe unique to Canada. One could also point to many other historic instances in many other countries where similar treatment of Aboriginal, minority or conquered groups.

However, I believe the Commission was correct on it's recommendation for education of the Canadian people of what occured-including in our schools.This will lead to a greater understanding and appreciation for what happened and the harm it has done. Possibly it will lead to compassion, and genuine efforts to "right a historic wrong", if that is possible.

On a current note, regardless of who is to blame, or how much money was mis-spent or stolen in the past, we have to do better to improve the plight of many in Aboriginal communities accross Canada.

Canada is rich and proud of the deserved reputation as a welcoming peoples and cultures from many nations and giving them an opportunity to be accepted equally and to be a part of Canada's great wealth and society. Canadians can never truly hold their heads up high, Internationally, until the same is done with their Aboriginal Brothers and Sisters.