The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143561   Message #3315625
Posted By: vectis
01-Mar-12 - 11:17 AM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2012
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2012
I have a motorhome so I stay at the Rugby Club in the middle of town, wonderfully central location. I used to stay at the golf course and used the bus when I had tents and caravans and used the official campsite once, never again. I don't buy a season ticket usually as I want to sing and play with other singers and musicians for the week.

I did buy a ticket a few years ago as there were loads of people I wanted to see perform and I also went dancing most mornings. I did get my moneys worth but haven't felt moved to repeat the experience before or since. That makes it one ticket every 15 years or so then.

As to Whitby... Well! Wouldn't miss it for the world, I use the Moor and Coast site which has better facilities than the official festival campsite and have bought a ticket once in the last decade. More sessions and sings than Sidders and concerts to suit every pocket. Love it!