The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27157   Message #331589
Posted By: Rick Fielding
31-Oct-00 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: Single row button accordion. any tips?
Subject: Single row button accordion. any tips?
Hi. Like I need to learn one more instrument, right? But hey, I LOVE the process!

A few weeks ago I liberated a single row Hohner "Cajun style" melodeon from a pawn shop at a very low price. The thing simply wouldn't play, and the owner said "It's broken, don't come cryin' to me a week from now wantin' your money back"! Even though I can't really play accordion of any kind, I've taken a few apart so I knew that the problem was leaks in the bellows. I've fixed it up and it's tight as a drum (so to speak) so now comes the hard part. It's one of those things with four "stoppers" (what's the actual name?) to change the number of reeds used.

Has anybody got any tips on fingering? Tunes? Tricks? I really appreciate some help.

I'm sure heather wonders why with about 50 instruments in the basement already, I'm tackling this...but I'm looking forward to it.

