The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3315959
Posted By: LilyFestre
02-Mar-12 - 12:47 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Feeling better on this front although my hearing is still clouded. I skipped the steroids today. That glucose reading of 500 set me on edge and I won't take any more until I hear back from my endocrinologist.

My schedule has been twisted a little bit due to the brakes on my car feeling funky. I took the car to the shop today and if I'm really lucky, I'll have the car back tomorrow. But as a result of not having a car that is safe to go very far in, I had to cancel tomorrow's appointment for a port flush and blood draw which means it's pointless to go for my appointment on Monday (no blood work = no results to discuss) so it's all been rescheduled.

I spent a good part of today at the nursing home going over discharge plans for my nana. That too has gotten messed up a bit because the initial health issue that took her to the nursing home suddenly reappeared today so we made the difficult decision to keep her at the nursing home for a bit longer. This will allow continued PT, a visit to the neurologist and testing. We'll see what happens from there. She clearly was disappointed about having to move the discharge date back but handled it like a trooper. I was proud of her and told her so. That made her eyes sparkle. :)

Since I can breathe more normally now, I'm hoping to go to the Y tomorrow and get my schedule in place there. My favorite trainer at the Y recently had a baby and will be back next month to lead Zumba which I am looking forward to.

Jeremiah is making strides in school. Today I snuck in and was able to watch him in action without his knowing I was there. Oh my heart! It was the sweetest thing to see him dancing and interacting with the other children. THAT is why I take him to daycare a few days a week!! Today we sat and *read* a book. He has this picture has 9 photos on each page, separated into different categories like food, animals, home, vehicles, etc. I ask him to show me the bunny or kitty or tractor or whatever and he points out the pictures. Today he also started pointing out a few on his own and telling me the word!!! It seems to me that his language is coming out so fast now. It's amazing to me and I LOVE LOVE LOVE his little tiny voice. One of my favorite things to hear him say is alright. His intonation is the same as mine which just cracks me up. He also LOVES to say insulin (No no, mommy needs to do her insulin now), excellent and motorcycle. And home. Home is a favorite word. :)

I didn't do much around the house...dishes, laundry and such as I was out and about today. I desperately need to go grocery shopping. Well, maybe not desperately but there are some decent sales this week and I want to pick up a few things. And the staples.

Also...Jeremiah will be turning 2 next week. We are going to have a little party for him at the nursing home which has a lovely private party room. This way Nana can join in the celebration! I'll be making goodies to take to his school too. I am looking forward to it!!

SRS...if you are all stuffed up with that cold of yours, try putting some Vick's Vapor Rub on the bottoms of your feet and then covering them with some cotton socks. It really does help. A friend also told me that she drops an eucalyptus cough drop in her hot tea which makes a nice steam to breathe in. I haven't tried it (because I think my head is finally clear) but it makes sense to me.

I'm also working on a bug out bag. Do any of you have such a thing?
