The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143626   Message #3316725
Posted By: gnu
03-Mar-12 - 02:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Bat Eviction Completed!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Bat Eviction Completed!!!
NO bats were harmed...

Posted this before elsewhere. Bats can be used to occupy and tire out children before bedtime. I used to keep some broomstick handles at my camp and tell the kids I'd give em $5 for each bat they could bat. The skeeters would go after the kids, the bats after the skeeters. The bats loved teasing the kids... it was like a game they loved to play. Never lost a dime on that deal and the kids were so tired that they went to bed when they were told it was bedtime.

Okay, since you asked me how I "knew"... my cousin was fraid a yer bats. The bats were after the skeeters around him but he was too stunned to figure that out. He cut a maple pole and defended himself. The more he breathed with the exercise, the further the skeeters came from. More skeeters, more bats. No hits. Ya can't hit a bat with a stick.