The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143626   Message #3317149
Posted By: Bettynh
04-Mar-12 - 12:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bobert's Bat Eviction Completed!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Bobert's Bat Eviction Completed!!!
Hmm, the cat we had who caught bats was black, too. A bat flew in the window by chance in April one year, giving her the idea. She spent the summer on the roof (this was an old rowhouse on a hill, with gutters built into the brick facade that gave access to the roof on the next level) catching bats and bringing them home. Most often they'd still be alive and a lively race would commence - cat with bat chased by human - through the house and out the back door, where the cat would be persuaded to let it go. Fortunately, the cat forgot about bats during the next winter, and we only had one summer of races.