The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3318506
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
07-Mar-12 - 12:25 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
I injured my back in 1990, we didn't have a family doctor then since we'd just moved to town, so stopped at a local minor-emergency place. They were D.O.s and he did a thing where I lay on my side and he popped things back into place, then on my other side, another "pop!' and it was done. I try to be careful never to repeat the move that caused that injury.

Walked the dogs this evening, met only one cat crossing the road. It gets a little noisy, but I've been practicing "ignore" with the dogs. It kind of works.

Antibiotic kicking in for the sinus infection.

Called the dogs to come in this evening and they headed to their respective beds. Cinnamon paused at one point in the hall, then kept going. Seems there was a waterbug (cockroach) that had come in from out-of-doors. They are endemic here, but I prefer they stay outside. Too bad she didn't clobber it, but a rolled magazine took care of that roach. Flushed and cleaned up like it was never there. It's that season, cockroaches on the move.