The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142677   Message #3320558
Posted By: Paul Burke
09-Mar-12 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: Ever play 'Tom Swifty'?
Subject: RE: Ever play 'Tom Swifty'?
"You told me that story before" he averred.

"And Michael Stipe, Peter Buck, Mike Mills and Bill Berry lead out of the final bend in this veteran celebrities' race!" he remonstrated.

"Auntie May can't hear without her glasses on", he said defiantly.

"These people are my flock- I make my living by shearing them" prayed the preacher.

"The very first broadside we gave to them, we wounded a hundred and fifty men" sang Tom, folkily.

"Oh you trawlermen, forget your snappers and your prawns" wailed Nic.