The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142452   Message #3321637
Posted By: Musket
12-Mar-12 - 05:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
Subject: RE: BS: Young Earth Creationism Eureka!
I assume that now we have unearthed this Iona person as being a danger to herself or others, we can stop humouring her by trying to reason with her?

A psychopath, homeopath, personality disorder whatever, you ain't going to reason with someone who reads a book of tales and substitutes that for voices in her head.

Paul Burke's recent offering has me thinking, and I reckon his short comment is very deep. He said that hers is not a morality because she takes no responsibility for it. Putting aside the population control benefits of having the masses believing in a religion, and just keeping it to the personal bits, you are left with assigning a third party, (a bible, Q'ran, voices in your head..) as an excuse for your own deep personality disorder.

There's a hell of a lot of it about.

ps. For those who have repeatedly dismissed me as someone with a hatred of religion, (not the case, but bear with me,) look at it this way.   It will soon be Easter and time for those who see me in folk clubs to perform my impersonation of Jesus on a rubber cross. (Far more flexible and funny since my operation last year.)