The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143831   Message #3322231
Posted By: maeve
13-Mar-12 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Kendall's musical history
Subject: RE: Kendall's musical history
Sure, Kendall- but first you get it down in whatever way it comes out on tape/paper/computer. Then you start the real work of shaping to allow the stories to shine through. Some things WILL be too personal. Some you can choose how much to say. Other details will come only as you are talking through a memory with someone who was there or who knows you well.

At his Camden concert last night, Gordon was telling a story he heard from a friend. He mentioned at one point, "Remember I'm not sure how much of what I'm telling you is what he told me and how much I'm making up..." or some such disclaimer.

The point is that you have to dump out your ditty bag to be able to sort through and see how your life's story wants to present itself. It might be done as alternating chapters of autobiobiography and storytelling. It might be woven together with indicators of which parts are which.

You and the story- and friends like Gordon- will find the right heading and when to change course.