The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68954   Message #3322648
Posted By: MBSGeorge
14-Mar-12 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
Subject: RE: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
More Fred Wedlock words

Little boxes, little boxes, little boxes made for cricketers
And you shove one down your underpants to protect you in the game
There's a pink one and a blue one and one made of aluminium
But if you stop a Googlie it'll hurt you just the same.

Even England's finest batsmen can get a nasty thump on the middle stump
Then they all take herbal remedies and they all take quite a lot
There's a black one and a gold one and a red one from the Lebanon
And they're caught bowled and spaced out cause they've all gone to pot.

But Ian Botham he defies them he's big and butch and he can clobber them
He could eat his bat drink Paraquat and crawl on all fives
But his box still takes some hammer and you may think that's peculiar
Til you notice that the dents have all come from inside.