The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #126555   Message #3322731
Posted By: LilyFestre
14-Mar-12 - 10:08 AM
Thread Name: on to Life!
Subject: RE: on to Life!
:) You guys sure do know how to make me smile!!! I don't have my test results yet, might not have them until tomorrow. In the meantime, I've been asked to be the Survivor speaker at the Danville Relay For Life. Some of you might remember that I spoke last spring at the local university Relay to about 400 students. Danville, however, is where I go for all my surgery and chemo. It is a large town and I imagine there will be way over 400 people (although I'm not sure really). While I was at the clinic yesterday and milling around the back where folks get their chemo while a dissolving solution was working on my ever-loving fussy port, one of the nurses came over and asked me if I would be the speaker on survivorship. I just kinda looked at her and she said that they were discussing who might be a good speaker and that my name came up. I am feeling very honored to be asked because they see hundreds of cancer patients on a weekly basis...must be I made an impression somewhere along the line (oh and it might not be a good impression..probably more of a GOOFY impression...I love to play with my nurses!). Anyway, what an absolute honor.

Keep those prayers coming please....I KNOW that they work!!


Love you all!!!!!
