The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68954   Message #3322894
Posted By: Jeri
14-Mar-12 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
Subject: RE: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
George, I'm sorry if my tone came across any way but just exasperated at Leeneia's objections to the parody. She was saying it was meant to get others to stop making music, and saying it was sneering. It might have been, but how can anyone be sure of that without reading a load into those five lines.

"You can tell the person who wrote it (if you can use 'wrote' for something so slavishly imitative) that no matter how he sneers, we enjoy our instruments and intend to keep playing them."
1) "slavishly imitative" -- It's odd how often that happens with parodies.
2) I can keep playing instruments without insulting someone with whom I may disagree.
3) It was a bit of an overreaction to a couple of verses of snarky silliness.