The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114688   Message #3323975
Posted By: CapriUni
16-Mar-12 - 11:58 PM
Thread Name: 'Simply Human' by CapriUni -- chorus question?
Subject: RE: 'Simply Human' by CapriUni -- chorus question?
Yorkshire Yankee --

I like the changes you've made to your song (and to the final chorus)

Thanks. Yeah, the first incarnations of the second and third verses bothered me even as I wrote them the first time 'round. Their undertone was precisely the sort of pity-laden treacle I'm protesting. Likewise with the final chorus; I needed a way to get past the "Us vs. Them" dynamic of What You Do With What You Got.

I'm picky, 'cos I'm a graphic designer!

Ooh! *preen* A compliment from Someone who Knows.

Paul Burke --

Thank you Kindly, Sir.