The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3324056
Posted By: LilyFestre
17-Mar-12 - 07:49 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
We have packets of seeds waiting for it to be time to plant. The temperature is perfect for planting right now, however, it IS March....NOT late April or May. The ground is even ready too as it never really froze much under the surface this year. We do have some seeds to get started in the house which will happen this weekend.

I'm up, dressed and ready to scoot out the door shortly (it's WAY early for me on Saturday morning) as a girlfriend and I are headed to a craft fair about 65 miles away. I haven't been to this particular one in years. I'm looking for a little something for an Easter decoration and something small and cute for my Nana who is in the nursing home. Something, preferably, that she can hang on her bulletin board, door or walls. The maintenance guy is GREAT about putting a nail in the wall or whatever is necessary..super fast too! :)

Time to pack up the coffee and get going! My girlfriend has a child that is 5 years old but not yet in school (he missed the birthday deadline by mere days). He has learned how to read and is VERY excited to read Green Eggs and Ham to me on the way to the craft fair. I have to say, I think I am equally excited to hear him read!!!

Happy Saturday Everybody!!
