The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3324139
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Mar-12 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
They may have just figured out (despite MY telling them numerous times) that Tom has limited and sporadic vision. It just occurred to me that I need to put it in large letters on his meds list handout. Maybe they finally figured it out this morning when he told them he couldn't see his breakfast.

I have to take his amber glasses over to him today. His super UV shield we won't trust to the hospital, and he managed to break his yellow ones (but I ordered two more pair this morning), so those are out. (I fixed them, but they really needed epoxy and I haven't had the time.)

I'm just not getting a lot accomplished this morning and I'll probably have to go to the hospital earlier than I'd planned. Which means in order to perform with the gang at The Press Room tonight, I'd have to go back home, then back to Portsmouth, etcet etcet. Makes me tired just to think of it. (Actually, I'm pretty tired right now.) So I think not only will Tom be missing the show tonight, but I will be as well.

Talked to my boss this morning -- and I HAVE to work Monday and Tuesday. Tom should be in short-term rehab by then, I hope.
