The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3324319
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Mar-12 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
My left knee has been screwed up since I slipped on a piece of lettuce in a Kohl's grocery store when I was four years old. Back's been messed up (lower and neck) since I was in my twenties.

Just home from the hospital. They didn't have him up practicing with the walker today because his blood pressure was very low and they couldn't figure out why. He won't be going to rehab until at least Monday. I HAVE to work Monday and Tuesday...but they now have my work phone number.

He's looking good and is in good spirits. The phone number for Wentworth-Douglass Hospital is 603-742-5252.

I just warmed up the meatloaf I made earlier today along with a baked potato, so I've just eaten. I am sooo tired. Think I'll go upstairs and watch some more "Boston Legal" and call Tom before I go to sleep.

This is the strangest St. Patrick's Day in over 30 years.

My heart's at The Press Room.

Speaking of things one did when one's body was a lot younger, I remember wrapping the evening up at The Press Room well after midnight (Tom's band played every St. Pat's since the first in 1977)...and then Tom, Bob, Jay Smith and myself would go over to the Victory Spa on State St. for a late supper or early breakfast around 3-4 in the morning. Those were the days...

