The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143924   Message #3324431
Posted By: stallion
18-Mar-12 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: the english and irish traditions
Subject: RE: the english and irish traditions
HU! Dunno who first mooted it but it is a take which whilst I don't agree with it per se it has hit on something. Englishness and it's variants swallow up cultures and displace them and the Scots, Irish and Welsh have fiercely clung to their indegenous traditions and spent money time and effort to prevent it disappearing. The American/English culture variant has set about swallowing up the world and there is an argument to say that the English "revival" was a kick against the new consuming culture and ideology. In the 1950's had you said that the NHS was to be privatised, the French government would own the majority of power stations and everyone would have mobile phones you would have been tarred and feathered and laughed out of town. Rather than broken I think, as Dick has already pointed out, that it was changing beyond recognition and some people decided there was enough worth saving. Most people the world over, when they wanted to learn english would speak with an english accent now the american twang is everywhere probably due to films and television, the arts and that bloody phoney yankee accent of the british pop singers, oh is it "mid atlantic", pet hate sorry, I believe you should sing with your own accent. Rant over. These changes are bottom up and the only way to prevent it is to legislate against it which is ridiculous, the Welch for instance insist that public servants speak Welch I bet it doesn't stop them from playing for the national rugby team, speaking Welch will be way down the list of priorities! Even being born only figures marginally, a cousin once farted in Swansea whilst doing his national service "That's good enough, you're in boyo" That last rant is an unreasonable pop at the winners of the six nations and the only team to beat England, I was really sorry to see Ireland get stuffed at Twickers, they have been such a good team for such a long time the last fifteen minutes were heart rendering, now had that been Wales!!!!