The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3324750
Posted By: Bat Goddess
18-Mar-12 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure

When I walked into the house after seeing Tom this afternoon, the phone was ringing. It was my boss (manager). The district manager has decreed that I am off the schedule for this week (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday -- which is more than the 18 hrs/week I'd been cut back to), and next Saturday he and my manager will confer to decide whether I'm to be fired or not. (In other words, to let me know if I would be working next Sunday as usual or not.)

The reason for this is I called in sick on Tuesday -- I could neither walk nor talk. I'd hobbled around the shop on a borrowed cane -- I was ALONE as usual on a Monday which is a very busy day -- and also kept losing my voice all day. I did $1200+ in sales, BTW, in 5 hours while answering the constantly ringing phone, repairing multiple pairs of glasses, making the insurance calls and reminder calls for the Tuesday exams, and dealing with all of the Monday crises while trying not to damage my knee any more than it was and having to apologize to customers, etc. when my voice would disappear and the tears would involuntarily run down my left eye. (Why just that one?)

Anyway, I called in sick because I just couldn't do that again, and what use am I to make pre-Expo phone calls if I can't talk?

Wednesday was my scheduled day off -- and Tom slipped on the deck that evening and wound up in the hospital. I called my manager before I went to the hospital to give her a heads up. I got home from the hospital around midnight. Tom had surgery the next day. I called my manager early the next morning to say that I wouldn't be able to work my noon-8 pm shift. I was next scheduled to work today (Sunday) during the big weekend Eyeglass Extravaganza. With Tom still in the ICU, I let my manager know Saturday that this wasn't going to happen.

So...the district manager, whom I'm convinced is trying to get rid of me anyway (for no reasons that are provable) is pissed off because I've effectively called out 3 shifts in a row during the biggest sales week of the year.

I'm calling NH Employment Security tomorrow (plus I'll be able to make all the phone calls to Tom's other doctors, etc. that I was afraid I'd have to put off til my day off on Wednesday) to ask for advice (and whether I can/should apply this week). I HAVE been looking for an alternative job, but right now I don't know how much Tom will need me when he comes home after rehab.

Again, this may actually work out for the best, but I'm a bit angry right now.

Think I better call Tom...
