The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142635   Message #3324838
Posted By: Genie
18-Mar-12 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: Singtime Frolics 2012 (Pac. NW)
Subject: RE: Singtime Frolics 2012 (Pac. NW) 3/31-4/1/12
Tomorrow is the last day to register (online or postmarked mail) for this years Singtime Frolics music camp, sponsored by Portland (Oregon) FolkMusic Society.

Here's a list of the workshops we have scheduled so far, and a key for workshop type codes:


Occupy Singtime! - Fl!p Breskin. Singing together enhances the solidarity important to social change movements. Songs have
       helped us work for peace, civil rights, labor rights, etc. Share songs that give you courage, hope, comfort, speak truth to power. (C)

Rounds - Mary Ann Gilpatrick. Bring rounds to lead or teach, especially your lesser-known favorites. (C, S)

Songs to Honor Wooden Boats. Rowboats to tall ships celebrated in song. Dick Thies will have background information
         and song sheets for some of these. (T, C)

Setting the Sail/Setting the Song. Guest artists Pint & Dale demonstrate and talk about arranging traditional maritime
         songs for the 21st century. With guitar, whistle, fiddle, hurdy-gurdy, octave mandolin, and tight vocal harmonies they
         create distinctive renditions. Try out different vocal and instrumental techniques on songs you suggest and learn how to
         get the most out of your songs. (L, I, P)

Chorus Songs. Pint & Dale will provide lyric sheets and teach choruses — ranging from simple refrains to more complex,
         challenging choruses — for some traditional and contemporary songs, familiar and not-so familiar. (I,S)

Shanty Sing - Gordy Euler & Jonathan Lay. Shanghaied on the Willamette leading favorites. (S)

Robert Burns. Focusing on Robbie Burns poems that have been set to music, Alan Bonney will bring copies of some key poems/
         songs. Bring your own favorites and instruments if you wish. (T,C)

Jam it Up!   Jam with Mo Mack on a few songs, then the "band" picks one to work up as an ensemble performance for the concert.
         No performing experience needed. All skill levels welcome. (I, J)

Songwriting. Betsy Wellings shares & pointers from her own prolific songwriting experience & can share your own or a friend's
          original song, complete or in-progress, and receive feedback from the group. (I,C)

Just Du-et! Hank Payne & Claire Favro share tips for arranging duets and avoiding common pitfalls. Learn both parts of a
         mountain-style song and try out your own duet singing. This is not a workshop on harmony theory. (I)

Songs & Stories of the West, Old & New. All about the West - 19th-century folk songs, cowboy-movie songs, classic c/w
         or new west-themed songs. Robert Rodriquez brings a couple of songs and stories and you share yours. (C)

Harmony. Dave Rabinowitz reviews some harmony theory and shows you how to find harmonies no matter what your vocal range.
         Bring a song if you'd like to develop a harmony for it. (I)

Songs by and about Women in the Northwest. Mary Garvey will share some of her own songs as well as songs by
         Meryle Korn, Susy McAleer, Linda Allen and others, and you may have some to share as well. (T, C)

All in the Family - Robert Rodriguez. Share songs of family and relationships, dysfunctional and otherwise. (C)

April Fool!   April 1 is a great time to share musical jokes, songs with surprise endings, parodies and other kinds of foolery.
          Folklorist and singer/songwriter Joe Hickerson will keep the circle moving. (C)

Gospel Sing   Sharing gospel and spiritual songs. Let's hear some awesome harmonizing!   (C, S)

-Friday evening All-camp Song Circle- In turn, perform a song, lead one or pass.
-Late Night Song Circle - Friday and Saturday nights (same format)
-Jam Sessions - Late night jams Friday and Saturday nights, daytime jams Saturday AM & PM and Sunday AM.


Song circle. Take turns sharing (performing or leading) songs. Facilitator usually starts things off, then exerts   
       minimal control.

(S) Sing-along. Group singing workshop (with or without instrumental backup).

(T) Taught song circle or sing-along. Presenter selects and/or teaches many or most of the songs, often with printed song sheets.                                                                                                                                                         

(I) Instructional. Demonstration & practice of vocal or instrumental technique, dance, songwriting, etc., with some
      'hands-on' practice by participants.

(J) Jam session. Instrumental or instrumental with vocal. Unstructured, except tunes/songs chosen with an eye to
       the group playing/singing along.

(L/D) Lecture/demonstration. Lecture, forum, discussion, and/or demonstration but without active group participation in
       singing, dancing, or playing instruments.

(P) Performance. A mini-concert given by the presenter(s).

Sorry I can't do the formatting thing, with boldface, underscoring, indentation, etc.

Other workshops may be offered which are not on the schedule at this point. We have time and space slots for about 15 more workshops.

Plus, one of the cabins is pretty much a designated "Open Jam" cabin, both day and night.