The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3324907
Posted By: Bat Goddess
18-Mar-12 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
I'm hanging in there, but, alas, still moving a million miles an hour at 10:38 p.m.

Just put the braised lamb shank in the fridge (with wonderful garlic from Jeri, beef stock and chopped tomatoes with the juice). Tomorrow will add carrots and potatoes and try to reduce the stock a bit. It's really good.

I've had a very productive day. Besides seeing Tom and talking to him several times, I've also made 3 loaves of zucchini bread for the freezer, entertained a friend while he fixed the cellar door (and rewarded him with shortbread), done some cleaning (which I can't do when Tom is around), saw how the ice in most of the ponds on Young and Merry Hill Road have disappeared, actually remove some of the leaf mulch from the flower beds, talked to my sister, talked to Tom's ex-wife (whom I think of as a friend...and who is definitely a friend of Tom's), done some serious cat petting, and I'm wrapping up the book "Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong" along with another brandy. Yes, I'm self medicating to fall asleep tonight -- benedryl, clonazapam (anti-anxiety), and brandy.

Tom was confused when I talked to him earlier, but I think it was because he had been dozing and dreaming. I'm sure he's still on pain meds. I know what state I was in after my similar surgery (and installation of similar hardware) four years ago. But I was at home in familiar surroundings and with Tom at my beck and call. He's in the ICU with different nurses and attendants every few hours. He did so much better yesterday after I gave him a timeline and explanation of what happened. It helped him to piece it together in his head along with his sporadic and disjointed memories.

Now, back to my brandy and book. Hey! I don't have to go to work tomorrow.


Other than that I haven't done a damned thing.