The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143927   Message #3325315
Posted By: Steve Gardham
19-Mar-12 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: You've heard of a place called Benghazi
Subject: RE: You've heard of a place called Benghazi
Here's a version I recorded from Norman Cressey of Goole who joined up in 1944 at the age of 18 in the East Yorkshire Regiment and was later transferred to the Yorks & Lancs Regt. He was sent to Burma but at some point picked up this North African version. The tune is something like 'Botany Bay'

He wasn't a lad for the women
In true love could never be found
He wasn't a lad for the women
They laughed at him when he was down.

Now had she been the girl that she promised
He might have been raising a son
Instead he's pushing up daisies
Under the Libyan sun.

Now you've heard of a place called Gazella
Where most of the fighting was done
Twas there that this poor British Tommy
Was hit by an old I-tie gun.

He raised himself up on his elbows
The blood from his wounds dripping red
He turned to his comrades around him
And these were the last words he said.

'Oh bury me out in the desert
Under the Libyan sun
Oh bury me out in the desert
My duty for England is done.'

So they buried him out in the desert
Coyotes to watch o'er his grave
They buried him out in the desert
His young life for England he gave.

Now when you get back to old Blighty
The war will be over and won
But think of that poor British Tommy
Out under the Libyan sun.

Pure folk!

I've always thought these songs were based on the American western song 'Bury me not on the prairie'