The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3325460
Posted By: SINSULL
19-Mar-12 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
One third of ICU patients suffer some paranoia after five days. Noise and light are the main culprits making it impossible to sleep soundly. Add a fever (pneumonia will do it), dehydration, poor respiration and it's call in the security guards time.
Poor Tom.
I recall a friend who was finally put in the Psychiatric Ward at Elmhurst Hospital. I went to visit him and could hear him calling me three corridors away. When I went in and said I was Mary, three people said "Thank God". Poor Jesse refused to allow his wife near him. He was convinced that the CIA had drugged him and locked him away. She was their leader. He kept asking me for a quarter. I thought that he wanted it for a vending machine. Instead he sidled up to an armed guard and offered him the quarter in exchange for his freedom.
It was heartbreaking to see him like this. He was a bright, well read man once a professional opera tenor. Sang at the Met.
I am getting off point...Tom's behavior is distressing both for him and for Linn but it is "normal" for the situation.

Bet the anesthesia has his taste buds all screwed up. I smelled and tasted mint for a week. Gross.

Best to hang in there and wait. He does have to do the breathing exercises. Pneumonia will prevent him from leaving the hospital.

Sounds like everyone needs to get some sllep tonight, nurses included.