The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27102   Message #332567
Posted By: Patrish(inactive)
02-Nov-00 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Storms in England/Wales 10/30/00
Subject: RE: BS: Storms in England/Wales 10/30/00
The forecast for Yorkshire looks bad, just about every river in the region is on flood alert. Its not raining at the moment, but this afternoon over an inch of rain is expected.
Last night Eric the Viking gave me a lift to the Jug, as we went over the river next to the Jug, it was inches from the bridge, thought we might get marooned there and have to stay there for week. We didn't, or I wouldn't be writing this. But if that river rises anymore, I can't see how the Jug can avoid being flooded.