The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143924   Message #3325910
Posted By: The Sandman
20-Mar-12 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: the english and irish traditions
Subject: RE: the english and irish traditions
Steve, my motive was to discuss the statement,on a forum that was moderated, and to take the statement and discuss it without prejudice, which was why I thought and still think that the poster should remain anonymous, by mentioning who the person is and that they are a renowned troll, immediately alters the perception of the person judging the staement.
please stop making assumptions about my motives, you have accused me of hating Michael,how can I hate someone I do not know,you on the other hand, by persisently suggesting I have an ulterior motive, and by constantly bringing in irrelevancies and stupid nonsense about the session, are only illustrating how puerile you are.
Steve, Brian happens to be a good friend of mine, whose house I have stayed in many times,our friendship goes back some 30 years.