In todays Daily Telegraph, the leading egde of science
BRITISH scientists are heading for the South Atlantic in an attempt to disprove claims that penguins fall over backwards when aircraft fly overhead.
Royal Navy and RAF pilots have been bringing back reports of toppling penguins since the Falklands War in 1982. The flightless birds are said to be so mesmerized by helicopters and jets that they lose their balance as they attempt to keep track of them.
Dr Richard Stone, of the British Antarctic Survey, will spend four weeks videoing helicopters from the ice patrol ship Endurance as they buzz colonies of King Penguins on the island of South Georgia to discover what effect they have. Stuart Matthews, operations officer of the Endurance, believes the reports. He said: "The penguins always look up at the helicopters and follow them all the way until they fall over backwards."
But Dr Stone was more sceptical. He said: "I'm afraid it's an urban myth. Aircraft do have an effect on penguins, but not to the extent of birds falling over.
"The intention of the work is to discover if overflights can harm colonies at breeding time. The tourism trade is growing on South Georgia and we want to ensure that the effects are understood."
It is believed that penguins react to aircraft because they see them as possible predators. They have been known to run from low-flying planes, and minimum altitudes are already recommended.
Endurance's two Lynx helicopters will fly at altitudes between 1,500ft and 6,000ft over breeding grounds, using different approach patterns. The expedition will take advantage of the benign Antarctic summer. Experiments will continue next year with fixed-wing aircraft.
South Georgia, once home to a thriving whaling station but now with only two or three permanent residents, is becoming popular with adventure seekers.Once this popular "urban myth" has been fully explored, what next? What scientific breakthrough would Mudcaters call for to be investigated next.