The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29644   Message #3328695
Posted By: GUEST
25-Mar-12 - 02:06 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Did You Ever Have the Feeling (Jimmy Durante)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Did You Ever Have the Feeling (J Durante)
My name is Bob Vito. I am a very long time Durante fan. I claim to be the best sounding Durante impersenator alive. If you doubt this call me or email me and I will show you with countless Durante songs including Did You Ever get The Feeling. Here is a short story about Jimmy. Jimmy was afaid to fly and when his manager wanted to hook him up to an engagement in New Orleans James turned it down. After hours of trying to convincehim,Jimmy gave into the flight.
Afterr a not so compfortable first few minutes the great Snarze became at ease and began to entertain his fellow passengers. Upon arrival at the New Orleans airport, Jimmy requested to meet the Pilot,
Jimmy then invited the Pilot to be his guest at opening day. also booked himself for a return flight back with the same pilot.

To make the story short, Jimmy was held over for another week,. The plane lft without Jimmy but never reached home. The plane crashed.
                     This is a true story.
Call me if you want to hear a true Durante impersonation. 718-251-7205