The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143977   Message #3328728
Posted By: gnu
25-Mar-12 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: finding Bigfoot or Sasquatch
Subject: RE: BS: finding Bigfoot or Sasquatch
In my last installment I mention city boy Rocky. Dan, yer gonna love this.

We were in Albert County, NB in the hills. I slogged thru small pines (ain't THAT a bitch?) and then a swamp and then climbed a nasty hill, routing white tail after white tail in heavy brush. I took a transverse cut on the hardwoods, and hit a road that led back to the main logging road of the section. When I hit the main road, there was Rocky standing atop a dozer pushback. Looked like a lighthouse in his hunter's orange.

I noticed his safety was off and asked him what he had seen. He said he had been watching a deer feeding over by that large pine. I asked him why he didn't shoot it. He asked, "Will this gun shoot that far?" 303 and the distance was about 150m! I was pissed. I asked him why his safety was off. He said, "It's on." I said, "Fire forward." he said, "No, it's on." I asked for his gun. I put the safety on and put the barrel on my boot and pulled the trigger. I took the safety off, handed the gun back and said, "Your turn."

That was when I started to try teach him but, like they say, you can take the boy out of the city but...

Scarey shit, eh? Thank goodness for the new gun laws.