The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143863   Message #3328857
Posted By: Bat Goddess
25-Mar-12 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon's Latest Adventure
Rick Fielding and I had long PM conversations about creamed onions -- he didn't like them.

Whew! I'm home and can relax. I think I'm still sort of running on adrenaline. I just walked through the door and made myself a meatloaf sandwich (with mayo and curry ketchup) because I knew I had to eat and even the prospect of a haddock burrito wasn't enticing. Tonight whatever I'm eating is fill...

It'll take me awhile to slow down -- it was a totally crazy afternoon at work. I'm alone on Sundays, and, while they're usually very BUSY days (with repairs, dispense and fittings, problems, repairs and the phone rings constantly), they're not usually big sales days. I usually consider myself lucky to do $300 or $400. Today I did $1388 and change. There were people in the shop before I opened, and it stayed busy with multiple customers at the same time all afternoon. Didn't have time to call Tom until 15 minutes before closing. And the day's total would have been higher by a little over $200 except the customer didn't have enough money with her, so she's coming back tomorrow when I'm not there.

So went over to see Tom and take him another nightcap and a couple bottles of beer and a few more T-shirts, etc. I found him sitting on the side of the bed, which is what he's been wanting to do for almost a week. He had several phone calls earlier and a visitor. And, not only did Dianne come back after I got there so we could visit, but another friend showed up with a great bouquet of tulips, pussy willows, and, I think, daffodils.

I'm tired. Going to wrap up computerizing for the time being (and I've finished my supper) and go upstairs and maybe watch that last "Boston Legal" on the next to last DVD of the Fourth Season. I was waaay too tired yesterday.

With a glass of wine. I really do need to wind down and relax a bit. I'll call Tom again before bedtime. Did I post his phone number here? Direct to his bed is 603-431-7592.
