The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144039   Message #3328883
Posted By: Don Firth
25-Mar-12 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: More stuff about the circle of 5ths
Subject: RE: More stuff about the circle of 5ths
More confusion for the innocents.

As I say, I've been at this awhile. I'm not making it up.

The Circle of Fifths is a standard teaching technique used in prestigious music schools such as Berklee, Juilliard, Cornish, and others. Also, many classic guitar technique books include a few pages about the Circle of Fifths, including, of course, a full explanation of chord and key relationships.

As to objections to the guitar or other small, portable fixed-pitch instruments being used to accompany traditional songs, I'm afraid taking issue with that is a bit like King Canute ordering the tide to recede.

Don Firth