The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3329271
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-Mar-12 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
I've also found Northrup's advice handy. I followed her recommendations and gradually adjusted the HRT after the hysterectomy. The insurance company thought they knew better, and when I was tired of fighting with them I used the pill for a while, but it was all upside down on the amounts I needed. Now 30+ pounds later I'm on my old formula, not fooling with insurance but paying on my own, and gradually hope to lose that weight. I wish I'd done the math when all of this started. The difference between paying for the whole thing myself and what I had to pay as a copay was only about $20.

Kat, I hope that wind dies down but doesn't blow this way. It would dry out the garden I'm working on too soon.