The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #143612   Message #3330106
Posted By: ranger1
28-Mar-12 - 10:06 AM
Thread Name: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Subject: RE: Exercise & Declutter March into Spring 2012
Three boxes of perfectly good stuff to a nearby town's community center thrift shop, another in the process of being filled. I find that if I do one box at a time, filling it as I come across things, it's not so overwhelming. When the box is full, it goes in the car and gets dropped off after work. We also go the giant entertainment center emptied out (it was less an organizer and more of a clutter vortex) and out on the curb. J-boy called the Salvation Army and they came and picked it up. In its place is a small TV stand that looks so nice with just the TV and my two most modern gaming consoles on it that it has repelled clutter-gathering for eight days and counting. We also installed a nice eight-cube storage unit with fabric drawers that I have managed to organize the various piles of video games and DVDs that were stacked haphazardly all over the place. It, too, is looks nice and is repelling random clutter-gathering so far.

I've also gone through the vast collection of VHS tapes this AM and pulled out and boxed up all the blank ones that we' used for various movies and TV shows. Didn't even look at 'em first! They're boxed up, but I wish I knew what else to do with them other than the dump. I don't think anyone local recycles them and I can't afford the other options of shipping them somewhere that does.

Next project is going through the piles of books and magazines. Magazines will be easy - animal and bird mags to a friend who teaches pre-school for various art projects for the kids, gaming mags to my friend Micheal who reads them and then recycles them, and all others in the recycle bin. Books are harder, but I've made the decision that they have to fit on the bookshelves and most of the popular fiction that can be found at the library can go.