The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #144039   Message #3330299
Posted By: dick greenhaus
28-Mar-12 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: More stuff about the circle of 5ths
Subject: RE: More stuff about the circle of 5ths
A tsunami in a teacup.Look, the circle of fifths is a useful learning tool with inherent limitations(as most learning tools have) It assumes an even-tempered scale. It assumes that octaves have simple arithmetic frequency ratios.
    Take if for what it is---or reject it if it doesn't apply to the music you're interested in. I've always found it useful in teaching transposition. A point that confuses most students...if, for instamce,F# is the same note as Gb, why not just pick one? The answer of course, is that accidentals (and things like double sharps and double flats) let you write scales in which each letter appears once---a great help if you're using conventional notation.